Parking Consultancy
Specification Writing and Tender Evaluation
There are many situations where a Local Authority has decided to procure external equipment or services for its parking operations. The most significant ones are for;
- An operational enforcement contract.
- An operational parking administration and notice processing service.
- IT systems to manage Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) processing and other parking management functions such as permit issue.
We have vast experience of helping many Local Authorities write specifications and pricing schedules and evaluate tenders.
For all the above procurements we can produce a set of tender documents tailored to your requirements. For an operational enforcement and / or administration contract we can advise on appropriate types of contract, including opportunities to share enforcement, provide suitable documentation and draft the contract documentation if you wish. We can assist with EU and public advertising of tenders, compile short lists of potential suppliers through the PQQ process and assist you through the evaluation and interview processes using specific tender documents or the BPA model contract.
Where Local Authorities wish to procure a service jointly, our experience also extends to getting agreement on a common set of documents and a procurement process, overcoming any differences of opinion or methodology that entails.
Because we have worked for many Local Authorities and conduct soft market testing exercises on their behalf, we are aware of the current state of these markets, yet we are not tied to any contractor or operator.

About Us
RTA Associates Ltd is a privately owned company with no ties to other companies, service providers or suppliers. We concentrate on providing quality services and impartial advice within our specialist markets and are nationally recognised as a leader in the field.
Service Location
Based in Conwy, North Wales covering Wales, England, Scotland and Ireland or
01492 585055 or 07900 264137